Monday 29 March 2010

Free Blog - Editing the film and production

Since filming our project on the 17th, every second spent in class has been put towards editing to create our final cut and manipulating our skills against the clips to produce a final cut that is professional looking and something we're all really impressed with. Right at the start, Alex taught both me and Beth some tips on how to use the Premiere Pro software as he has vast knowledge and experience on the software before, this meant that even though Beth was the main editor, if she was sick or absent, either one of us could take over her role so we didn't lose time. The first week was mostly joint editing, cropping the clips and choosing which take to use, something which was a great relief in comparison to our last project where we had very limited choice on the takes we used.

After selecting our takes, and placing them in the correct order, the next job was to start to cut and crop them so they fitted continuity and made sense. This was very difficult at first because of some clips being very difficult to work with, resulting in us having to crop one particular take in 3 and edit each singularly so it looked like one complete edit and not a shambles like it originally did. In the last week, we finally left the project in Beth trusted hands to edit it fully and finally for us, so me and Alex could get on with making sure we had all our pre and post production work up on Google Docs and write another blog for our evaluation. I hope by the end of the term we will have an edit we're all happy to submit, leaving us with only the evaluation to write, and a lot of stress off our shoulders.

* Organisation of all our pre- and post-production work on Google Docs.

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